The Upgrading of Road DR08125 from N2 to Sipetu Hospital, between
km 10 and km 24 (14km)
Phase 4A

R339 million

Client: Department Of Transport

Project Description

This Contract (PHASE 4A) is a retender of Phase 4 for construction of approximately 14km of upgrading of gravel road to surfaced standard. The project falls within the Alfred Nzo District Municipality in the Eastern Cape.

The work to be executed under this contract comprises the following:

(a) General

  1. Establishment of the contractor on site
  2. Provision of offices for the Engineer as well as a buildings for a shared laboratory that will be under the control of the Engineer
  3. Accommodation of traffic and the construction of deviations
  4. The opening up and rehabilitation of borrow pits to source road construction materials
  5. Mining of road construction materials in the cutting at Km 22, followed by earthworks to fill and shape the “quarry” to become a road cutting
  6. The maintenance of the existing road and/or deviations until the contract has been handed over to the Employer
  7. Removal of site establishment

(b) Drainage

  1. The construction of small in situ box culverts with prefabricated deck slabs and in-situ inlet and outlet structures
  2. The installation of sub-soil drains in cuttings as well as other locations
  3. The construction of concrete lined side drains and grid inlets in cuttings
  4. The construction of asphalt berms and down chutes on high fills
  5. The construction of berms and down chutes at cuts
  6. The construction of erosion protection measures where required
  7. The construction of pipe culverts complete, with inlet and outlet structures, to feed stormwater run-off through adjacent properties

(c) Roadworks

  1. Clearing and grubbing;
  2. Removal of topsoil for widening of the road
  3. Roadbed preparation for the road
  4. Widening of existing cuts and fills including benching into old fills
  5. Removal of existing road layer works to stockpile
  6. The construction of imported selected layers
  7. The construction of a stabilised subbase layer
  8. The construction of a crushed stone base
  9. The placing of a cape seal surfacing as per design

Ancillary Roadworks

  1. Construction of bus/taxi stops without shelters
  2. Construction of roundabouts and intersections
  3. Fencing of the road reserve
  4. The provision of road markings – retro-reflective, thermoplastic lines and cold plastic symbols and lettering
  5. The installation of road studs
  6. The installation of new road signs
  7. The erection of guardrails
  8. Top soiling and grassing of cut and fill slopes
  9. Finishing off the road reserve, spoil areas and borrow pits